Cleaning Products to Remove Smoke Smell that Really Work

Cleaning Products to Remove Smoke Smell that Really Work

Mar 5th 2016

Smoke smell in your home or car is known to be one of the most difficult of all smells to remove. Smoke smells stale after a while, masking any clean air that enters your car or home. There is a way to get rid of it, and that is with Zorbx cleaning products to remove smoke smell. Even if you have tried many other ways to freshen your home or car, don’t give up until you try Zorbx. Our Unscented Odor Removers are affordable and safe. They are non-toxic and biodegradable and can even be used if you or someone in your family has allergies, asthma, or respiratory problems. Zorbx was created by a nurse who was looking for a solution to the extreme odors found in hospitals. Today, many nursing homes, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities use Zorbx. It will work to get rid of stale cigarette or cigar smoke in your home. If you had a fire in your home, it will also get rid of the smoke smell.

Our Cleaning Products to Remove Smoke Smell that Really Work

Our Zorbx products include cleaners that contain our odor killing formula or sprays that you can apply and wipe off. Some of our Unscented Zorbx products include:

  • 7.5 Ounce Zorbx Unscented Odor Remover – Spray on furniture, wood floors, carpet, and other surfaces to remove smoke smell
  • Zorbx Unscented 5 Pack – In travel size. Take one with you to remove smoke smell in a rental car or hotel room
  • Zorbx Unscented 7.5 Ounce Double Deal – Two bottles for only $14.99

Zorbx is also available in larger spray bottles of 16 ounce, 32 ounce, or in Value Packs or Combo Packs that are very affordable.