How to Remove Gasoline Odor From Your Garage

How to Remove Gasoline Odor From Your Garage

Mar 5th 2016

You’re an organized person. You’ve managed to go through life without overloading your garage such that you can still park your car in your garage every day. Good for you! The problem is that for a brief stretch, your car was having issues and began to leak gasoline in your garage. It seems like no matter what you do, you can’t get that gasoline smell out of your garage floor. It’s ruining your whole garage. Not to worry! ZORBX is here to help. Simply apply ZORBX to the affected areas in your garage and the smell will be completely eliminated. ZORBX is free of harsh chemicals and completely non-toxic. It doesn’t mask the gasoline smell in your garage- it gets rid of it. That’s the effectiveness that you need and ZORBX delivers. Do not be left out! Go into any Lowes or fill out our free sample form and try ZORBX free today!